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Project 2 - Drawings














My second assignment was interesting but tough. The task was to choose 2 objects that are not bigger than A4 but not smaller than A5. We then need measure the object to scale and draw and sketch(minimum 3 geometrical surfaces) it out on A3 papers.


The required drawings are:-

  • 1 plan

  • 2 elevations

  • 2 sections

  • 1 detailed drawing/sketch



















































































Since this was my first time drawing plan, elevation, detail, etc. it was really tough on me. But I still manage to push myself to the limit and persevere in order to get a good grade. Overall, I learned architectural lettering through this assignment and how hard it took me to master it. I'm not complaining though because I learned something new and interesting and most definitely will benefit me in the future. 














Project brief:

My 2 objects

My submission drawings:

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