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Creative thinking is the generation of new ideas that are original and fresh, drawing upon or intentionally breaking with established symbolic rules and procedures. Obviously, the purpose of this subject is to bring together existing ideas into new configurations, developing new properties or possibilities for something that already exists, and discovering or coming up with something that is entirely new and uninvented. 


This may seem like a really easy subject but it was a tough one on me. Creativity is not something you can study on. It doesn't come in books because if it does, then it's called plagiarizing rather than coming up with your own ideas. I'm definitely not the most creative person there is in class therefore I struggle, but that did not keep me from brainstorming and doodling ideas on draft papers. Creativity to me is something that comes from within, and it should not be judged because it is based on one's opinion and idea. 


This subject has definitely moulded me into a slightly more creative person because of the different tasks and projects that were given. Although it was stressful trying to think in any creative way possible, it was still a fun journey.


Introduction to Creative Thinking Skills slide:






















"You can't use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have."

- Maya Angelou













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